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Shipping:Sea Freight
Product Introduction
Copper Tube Applications:
- Air Conditioning & Refrigeration - Copper tube is widely used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems due to its high thermal conductivity which is about 8 times more than that from Aluminium tube.
- Domestic Water Service and Distribution - The combination of easy handling, forming and joining permits savings in installation time, material and overall costs. Long-term performance and reliability mean fewer callbacks, and that makes copper the ideal cost-effective tubing material.
- Drain, Waste and Vent - The design and installation of drainage systems range from simple to complex, depending on the type of building, the local code and the occupancy requirements.
- · Fire Sprinklers - Copper tube will not burn or support combustion or decompose to toxic gases. Therefore, it will not carry fire through floors, walls and ceilings. Volatile organic compounds are not required for installation.
- Fuel Gas (Natural Gas and L. P.) Distribution -Copper tubing offers the builder, contractor and building owner many advantages when used in fuel gas distribution systems, and is accepted for use in all of the major model Codes in the United States. Copper tube is used for distribution of fuel gas in single-family attached and detached homes to multi-story, multi-family dwellings. In addition, copper gas distribution lines have been installed for many years in commercial buildings such as malls, hotels and motels.
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